Mini Slot-Machine

SCU Department of Mechanical Engineering- Annual Robot Show

Mechanical Engineer, Student Team

April 2024 - June 2024

Competed to design an innovative robotic system that included sensors and mobility movements. Designed a mini slot-machine with my team that spun, flashed lights, and maked noise.

Taught ourselves programming language C++, then coded the mobility and functioning of our design with Arduino. Used SOLIDWORKS to 3D print the 3 main decagon pieces with the icons on each face. Then we wired a breadboard to the Arduino and constructed the decagons in a way so they would spin and stop in a randomized pattern.

The user would flash their cell phone flashlight into a light sensor to start the game, wait and see if they landed on three of the same icons, and then would hear a confirmation of a winning sound through the mini speaker at the end. Through teaming abilities, hard work, and having fun in a creative and social environment, we ultimately presented our final machine in the showcase entertaining over 20 users.

Watch the Mini Slot-Machine in Action!

Lanie May Pritchard


Moraga, CA | Santa Clara, CA